A look back at 2024 with Imperial Health Charity
A look back at 2024 with Imperial Health Charity
17 December 2024

In January, one of our Research Fellowship Grants supported Julian Jeyasingh-Jacob’s work. Julian’s research is measuring the daily activity of people living with dementia with new in-home sensor technology, supporting changing the landscape for an estimated one million people in the UK living with dementia. You can read the full story here.
In February, we launched our ICU Appeal for Hammersmith Hospital. You helped us to raise £300,000 for emergency life-saving support to save the most critically ill patients. Find out more here.
In March, we introduced free mobile phone charging across two of our hospitals. We funded the project to allow patients and visitors to stay connected to their loved ones, at a time when they need to the most. Find out where our charging points are here.
In April, we Installed a new exhibition by Joy Gregory called ‘Love of a Long Vocation’. Using Trust-archived photography as a starting point, Gregory worked with 14 staff members to share their stories. See the exhibition here.
In May, we opened our brand new playroom on St Mary’s children’s ward. We were joined by comedian and presenter, Mo Gilligan, who met with children staying on the ward and cut the ribbon to the new space alongside Trust boss, Tim Orchard. Read the full article here.
In June we said a big thank you to our volunteers! We held a celebration in Islington to hand out awards and give special recognition to the hard work they have all contributed to the Trust. Read about the event here.
In August, our Youth Volunteering Programme – which took place across the summer holidays – came to a close. The volunteers provided 3,700 hours of support to 6,500 patients over 1,100 shifts in July and August. Read the blog here.
In September, we visited Hammersmith’s Research Lab with our Ovarian Cancer Fund supporters. The Fund was created in 2017 and provides extra support to advance research into ovarian cancer. A presentation about recent findings was given, as well as a tour around the lab. See pictures and read the full story here.
In October, we held our second Comedy Night following on from the success of our 2023 event. The performance was headlined by comedian and TV star Russell Howard and raised a whopping £27,000. Find out more about the event here.
In November, a prep school in Harrow raised over £20,000 for Charing Cross Hospital’s Neurology Services. The teachers and families of Orley Farm decided to support Imperial Health Charity after the mother of a pupil who attends the school was treated for a brain tumour at Charing Cross. More here.
And now, in December as we see out 2024, we continue to share our Winter Appeal. This year we are raising money for Children’s Services at St Mary’s Hospital. The appeal hopes to raise money to buy new toys, provide art sessions and allow the children to listen to live music on the ward. Find out more and how to donate here.
Everyone at Imperial Health Charity would like to wish you a very merry festive period and happy New Year. We look forward to your continued support in 2025.