Impact and evaluation

We aim to make a real difference to patients and NHS staff through the grants we award. By evaluating your project, you can better understand and celebrate how your project has made a positive change. We sometimes call this your impact.

We share this information with our trustees and donors to demonstrate the importance of our funding and help us raise more money to support other projects.

As well as encouraging you to learn from your project, we also aspire to be a learning organisation and will use any findings to help other grantees and improve our own processes.

What is evaluation?

Evaluating your project simply means thinking about what the aims of your project are, tracking what actually happens, and working out whether you achieved your goals. By thinking about what you intended to do and measuring if this was successful, you can show if your project was effective and whether it could be done differently in the future.

What evaluation do I need to undertake?

  • If you’ve been awarded a patient hardship grant, you don’t need to evaluate.
  • If you’ve been awarded a Research Fellowship, evaluation will depend on the nature of your research project and should be built into your research proposal. We’ll ask you about your project’s achievements and the dissemination of your research findings in your End of Grant Report.

Evaluation is relevant for all types of projects, from purchasing furniture and equipment, to running activities with patients or staff and creating an innovative new practice or service. But it needs to be proportional, and in balance with how much you’re spending and what you’re doing. We don’t expect the same level of work for all projects - it should match your needs, and may be simple or more in depth depending on your activity.

Further support

We know evaluation can seem like a huge task but we’ve pulled together these useful resources, which contain lots of handy hints and tips to help you plan and carry out evaluation that will be useful for you and for us.

Resources quick links

Check out our Reporting page for more information about our End of Grant Reports and the details we require

Still have questions?

[email protected]